Official Kickball Rules


  1. Team rosters shall include a minimum of 9 players, including at least 2 of each gender.
  2. The maximum number of players on the field is 10, with at least 2 of each gender.
  3. The minimum number of players on the field is 7, with no gender minimum.
  4. All players who are fielding or plan to field must be placed in the kicking order.
  5. All players must be registered with the team to play with that team, except in situations in which the team is short the minimum number of total players or the number of a particular gender. Unregistered substitutes are not permitted. Any team found to be playing with an unregistered player will forfeit the game. See: Late Registration below.
  6. When a team has fewer than the required number of players of a specified gender available, players of one gender may not be substituted for members of another gender. For example, if a team has 10 total players available at game time, but only 1 is female, the team must either play short with 9 players or borrow a player from another team that is not their opponent per Rule Team 7.
  7. If the team has fewer than 10 players overall available, or has fewer than 2 of each gender available, that team may invite a registered player from another team other than their opponent as a substitute.  Gender substitute rules still apply.  This is permitted only during regular season games, and only if the team is short.  A substitute from another team may only be used in the event of absence, not for the purpose of allowing rests or breaks for individual players.
  8. Fielding teams are required to play catcher and pitcher.
  9. No substitutes for the catcher are permitted during the inning; catchers may only be changed between innings.
  10. Late Registration: a team may add players to the roster through the 4th scheduled match provided the team captain approves. The league fee shall be pro-rated for the remainder of the season. All players must be formally registered with the League and paid in full prior to playing.
  11. Any team that has players not wearing their league-provided shirt can be called for a roster check at any time by the ref, field manager, or the opposing team. If players are found to not be on the roster that are playing it will result in an automatic forfeit. 


  1. Each game shall be officiated by a League-assigned referee.
  2. Referees are responsible for:
    1. Keeping game time.
    2. Keeping score.
    3. Enforcing all game rules.
    4. Tracking all counts and outs.
  3. The referee shall eject a player from the game if that player engages in unsportsmanlike conduct.
  4. An ejected player must leave the field and facility immediately; failure to do so may result in removal from the league.


  1. Games may be played on any flat grassy area with sufficient space for an infield and outfield.
  2. The distance between bases shall be 60 feet.
  3. First base shall include a safety base placed to the right; overruns must be made on the safety base.
  4. The back corners of the kicker's box shall be placed along the foul lines extended 10 feet from the home plate.
  5. The triangular areas between the top edge of the kicker's box and the foul lines between the outside edge of the kicker's box shall be considered "fair" territory for balls traveling on the ground through that area.
  6. The field shall be bounded by a sideline measuring 10 feet from the foul line. No player or spectator shall reside within the sidelines except for those actively playing, the game officials, and a 1st and 3rd base coach.
  7. The safety base is for the runner only.  You must play bases inside the field of play in order to tag a runner out at the attempted/forced base.


  1. All equipment shall be provided by the League
  2. Players must wear their League-provided t-shirts of the appropriate color for their team.
  3. Steel cleats are prohibited.

Game Clock

  1. Each game shall be completed in no more than 7 innings or 60 minutes, whichever comes first.
  2. No new inning may begin after 50 minutes; any inning being played after 50 minutes shall be the last inning of the game.
  3. Any inning in progress shall end immediately, and both teams shall vacate the field when:
    1. The clock has passed 50 minutes with the home team leading in the bottom of the inning (home team wins).
  4. In the event of a tied score after the final inning, the game shall be recorded as a tie. 

Game Start

  1. A game of paper/rock/scissors shall determine the home team, who shall have a choice to either kick first or field first.

Pitching & Catching

  1. The pitcher shall roll the ball, keeping at least one foot on or behind the pitcher's plate until the ball is kicked. No defensive player may cross the invisible line between 1st and 3rd base prior to the ball being kicked. The first violation of encroachment of the invisible line will result in the team being warned. The second violation, and thereafter, will result in the kicker choosing the option of re-kicking or being awarded first base.
  2. Pitcher shall roll the ball, keeping at least one foot on or behind the pitcher's plate until the ball is kicked.
  3. The pitch must pass within the 1-foot strike zone around and above the home plate.
  4. The pitch must have bounced twice or be rolling on the ground when crossing the plate.
  5. Overhanded pitching is not permitted: Pitcher must release the ball from below the waist.
  6. The catcher must remain behind the kicker and directly in or behind the kicking box until the kicker makes contact with the ball. The catcher may NOT stand in front of the kicker or to the side of the kicking box or so closely to the kicker as to interfere with his or her ability to kick, until contact is made with the ball.
  7. If a member of the outfield is in line with a base runner prior to the pitch, the runner may inform the official and a contact warning may be given. The player must move out of the base path


  1. Each team must exchange kicking orders prior to the start of the game.
  2. There must be at least two players of each gender in the kicking order. If there are fewer than the required number of players of a particular gender, that point in the lineup shall be counted as an out.
  3. There is no alternating gender requirement in the kicking order.
  4. All players who have fielded or will field must be included in the kicking lineup, except for injured players who have been withdrawn from the game.
  5. Bunting is not permitted. If the kicked ball comes to rest in fair territory between home plate and the pitcher it shall be considered a foul.
  6. A strike is called when:
    1. The ball crosses the strike zone without being kicked.
    2. The kicker swings at but misses the ball.
    3. The ball is kicked foul.
  7. Fouls are always counted as strikes, including on a 2 strike count, and are called when:
    1. The ball lands or is touched in foul territory.
    2. The ball lands inside the foul line, but rolls outside the foul line before reaching the 1st or 3rd base lines. A ball that lands past the 1st or 3rd base lines but rolls into foul territory shall be considered fair.
    3. Contacts the ball behind home plate with any part of the body above the knee.
    4. The kicker kicks the ball with any part of the foot planted outside the kicking box, including in front of home plate.
    5. The kicker makes a "double-kick", i.e. kicks or contacts the ball after the initial kick while still behind home plate.
  8. Four balls allows the kicker to advance to first base as is called when:
    1. Ball fails to pass through the 1-foot strike zone around home plate.
    2. Ball bounces more than 1-foot above strike zone.
    3. Ball bounces fewer than twice prior to crossing the strike zone.
  9. Three outs shall advance the inning.


  1. Head-first sliding will result in an out.
  2. Stealing bases and leading off bases is illegal. A player who was leading the base prior to the hit shall be called out.
  3. Sliding at first base is illegal. A player who slides at first base shall be called out. Runners must use the safety base.
  4. Infield fly rule is in effect; the runner may commit when the ball is touched by a fielder, regardless of whether or not it was caught.
  5. Bobbling - After a ball is kicked a runner may leave his/her occupied base, if the ball makes contact with an opposing player before touching the ground but is not directly caught, the runner may advance.  If the ball is bobbled and then caught, the runner is still allowed to advance, given the runner waited until the ball was kicked to advance.
  6. Play shall end when the pitcher has control of the ball within 10 feet of the pitcher's mound. Any runners in motion at this must stop at the base they are moving toward.  If it is determined by the referee that the runner has tried to advance and is not halfway to his next base, the runner must return to the base he was last on.  This is considered stealing.
  7. A runner is out when:
    1. Fielder catches a fly ball.
    2. Gets 3 strikes.
    3. Base is tagged on a forced run.
    4. Runner is tagged by a fielder in possession of the ball.
    5. Comes in contact with the ball, except when thrown by a fielder at the head (unless sliding).
    6. Runner is off base when the ball is kicked.
  8. A runner that is tagged in the head by a ball shall be considered safe at their intended base, unless that player was sliding or intentionally placed their head in the path of the ball.
  9. In the event of an overthrow into foul territory in an attempt to make a play, the runner may advance only as far as the base they are running toward plus the next base. This is a restriction on the advance of the runner; runners are NOT automatically awarded the base.
  10. Pinch running due to injury is permitted at 1st, 2nd and 3rd base provided the pinch runner is of the same gender. The runner who was substituted for shall be removed permanently from the game. Pinch running at kick is not permitted.

Mercy Rule

  1. The inning shall advance when a team scores five runs in the inning, except as indicated by (2), below. The mercy rule shall be called and the inning advanced immediately upon scoring the fifth run. 
  2. The mercy rule shall be applied only when the kicking team is leading by five or more runs. If the kicking team is leading by less than five runs, the mercy rule shall be applied when the kicking team's lead reaches or exceeds five.
  3. Should additional runs score on a play that requires the application of the mercy rule, those runs will be counted and the inning shall advance.  

Late Arrival Penalties & Forfeits

  1. Any players who show up after the game has started shall be added to the end of the kicking order.
  2. Teams must be ready to play and meet game start requirements within 5 minutes after the posted game time.
  3. If a team is not ready to play at 5 minutes past the posted game time, it shall incur an immediate 2 run penalty, awarded to the opposing team.
  4. If a team is still not ready to play after 10 minutes, it shall incur an additional 2 run penalty.
  5. If a team is not ready to play after 15 minutes, it shall forfeit the game, with the opposing team receiving a total of 6 runs, for a final score of 6 - 0.

Playoff Ties

  1. Ties are not permitted in playoff games. Additional innings are added until one teams wins the inning.

Cancellation Policy

  1. Our cancellation and make-up policy is explained our FAQ.

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